Walking Tour of Pompeii
Another day, another walking tour! This time to explore regions VII and VIII of the ruins of Pompeii, devastated by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD.
The regions we visited seem to be most popular with tour guides, and thus everywhere was littered with annoying tourists getting in the way of my camera!
Tourists aside, our guide was very knowledgable and we were able to see everything on the agenda. We were advised that to see all of Pompeii you’d need at least 2 full days, non-stop!
We saw an amphitheatre, thermal baths, food outlets, private dwellings, fertility blessings (comedy cocks on the floor) and a brothel with stone beds and interesting paintings above each door.
In my opinion, Herculaneum is more impressive, albeit on a smaller scale. The frescoes and wooden elements are much better preserved due to a massive mud slide that enveloped the entire site.